Membership Categories

Membership in the American College of Theriogenologists is granted to those who have graduated from a college or school of veterinary medicine accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association or possess a certificate issued by the Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates or who are legally qualified to practice veterinary medicine in some state, province, territory or possession of the United States, Canada or other country.Members must meet the education, training, and experience requirements established by the American College of Theriogenologists and demonstrate unquestionable moral character and impeccable professional behavior.

ACT Membership Categories

Charter Diplomate

(hereinafter referred to as Diplomate).

A Charter Diplomate shall be a member of the organizing committee and/or a veterinarian who  shall have an established reputation in theriogenology have extensive experience of at least ten years with not less than 75% of this time devoted to the specialty in either advanced study, research, teaching, or practice and have thoroughly demonstrated competence and/or made substantial and significant contributions to the advancement of theriogenology.
Qualified candidates shall be invited to make application for certification and may be elected Charter Diplomates by two-thirds vote of the Organizing Committee. Their applications shall become part of the permanent record of The College.


A Diplomate shall meet the general requirements for certification as set forth in Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution and Article VI of the By Laws, have advanced competency in theriogenology, pass the certifying examination given by The College and be unanimously approved by the Executive Board.

Emeritus Diplomate

A Diplomate may be elected to Emeritus Diplomate status upon the Diplomate's request and a majority vote of the Executive Board of The College and after reaching age 65 or retirement.

Emeritus Diplomates shall not be required to pay dues. They may vote but may not hold office. To be considered, please email with confirmation that you meet the above criteria. 

Honorary Member

An Honorary Member may be selected from persons of unusual eminence in the veterinary or allied professions who have made exceptional contributions to knowledge in theriogenology. An Honorary Member shall not be required to pay dues nor shall he/she be privileged to vote or hold office. Individuals may be proposed to the Executive Board, by at least two Diplomates. Upon recommendation by the Executive Board, an Honorary Member shall be selected if they receive an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Diplomates voting on or through the ACT website prior to any annual business meeting of The College. Ballots shall be posted on or through the ACT website and the ballot announcements will be distributed via the ACT list serve to all voting Diplomates a minimum of sixty days before the annual business meeting of The College.

Additional Requirements for Honorary Member Nomination

Honorary Members of the American College of Theriogenologists (ACT) are individuals recognized to have made a significant contribution to the field of theriogenology. While understood to be primarily for non-veterinarians, veterinarians may be inducted as Honorary Members. Honorary Members of the College are not Diplomates, cannot hold office, and cannot vote.

The following nomination guidelines are intended to direct the nominator as to what information is required by the Executive Board for consideration of a nominee before possible presentation to the membership for a vote.

The criteria for consideration of a candidate for honorary membership include:

  • Participation in training in theriogenology (providing training opportunities, service on graduate committees, teaching courses routinely taken by theriogenology residents, participation in journal clubs, participation on the list-serve, or by significant contribution to the literature)
  • Participation in the Society for Theriogenology by presentation or attendance
  • Significant contribution to the advancement of scientific or clinical knowledge directly related to the specialty of theriogenology
  • Other unique and significant contribution to the field of theriogenology

The nomination packet must include:

  • Letter of nomination including statement of how the nominee has contributed to theriogenology as described above
  • Abbreviated biography / curriculum vitae (300-350 words in length)
  • Letters of support from five (5) individuals, of which at least three (3) must be Diplomates of the ACT