CSU Equine Reproduction eBooks |
The emergence and world-wide spread of COVID-19 has completely disrupted our normal approach to the education of veterinary students and the provision of continuing education to veterinarians. We no longer have students in the classroom, in the veterinary hospital or at our equine reproduction clinic. As a consequence, we have had to adjust how we teach didactic material (it is now all on-line) and struggle with how to provide meaningful clinical case material for our senior veterinary students. Yesterday we made a decision to make a series of eBooks on equine reproduction produced at Colorado State University available to our veterinary students at no charge (free). Our plan is to use the two Clinical Cases eBooks for on-line Rounds and to use the eTextbook (Clinical Equine Reproduction, Volumes 1 and 2) for selected reading assignments. In the spirit of global collegiality in the age of COVID-19, we are also going to make the eBooks free to all veterinary students at all veterinary schools, as well as to veterinarians in private practice, Equine Science and Animal Science students and to all others interested in equine reproduction at no charge. The eBooks are currently designed to be downloaded onto and viewed by Apple devices (iPad, Mac laptops, iPhones); eventually we well work on a version for PC devices. Simply copy and paste the following link into your web browser and download any or all of the eBooks. https://books.apple.com/us/author/patrick-mccue/id974939735 Please feel free to share this email or link with colleagues, residents, interns and students.
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