The American College of Theriogenologists is sustained by the support of its members.
Your Annual ACT Dues Support:
- Annual Therio Conference Plenary Sessions and speakers
- Oversight and administration of the ACT diplomate process, including:
- Approved ACT residency programs and alternate/mentorship route programs
- Credentialing
- Certifying Exam
- Maintenance of Certification
- Evaluation of Scientific Abstracts presented at the Annual Therio Conference
- Resources for ACT residents and trainees, including:
- Online Reproductive Physiology Course
- Networking opportunities at the annual Therio Conference
ACT Members Also Receive:
- Exclusive access to the ACT listserv
- Access to the ACT Career Center
- Bi-annual eNews featuring important news and updates for ACT diplomates
- Opportunity to be listed in the public “Find a Theriogenologist” directory
- Theriogenology Foundation grant opportunities